Friday, November 11, 2005

Pictures from District 53 Fall Conference !!!

D53 Fall '05 Conference Candids Candid shots from the District 53 Fall Conference held in Stamford, Connecticut on November 5, 2005. Photos by Don Logie, DTM

World Class Indifference Comedy Improv
"Using Improv Techniques to Help You Become A Better Speaker" presented by World Class Indifference Comedy Improv Group. Photos by Don Logie, DTM

Humorous and TT Speech Contest photos taken by Don Logie, DTM at the Fall Conference in Stamford, CT on November 5, 2005

D53 Fall Conference Educational Seminars Fall Conference held on November 5, 2005 at the Holiday Inn in Stamford, Connecticut. Photos taken by Don Logie, DTM

D53 Hall of Fame Awards: Toastmaster Recognitions at the Fall Conference held in Stamford, CT on November 5, 2005. Photos taken by Don Logie, DTM

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Area A4 President's Council - meeting notes

I'm finally getting around to publishing the meeting notes for the Area A4 President's Council meeting that was held back in September when we had the Area A4 Fall Speech Contest at Wooster School.

The suggestions / discussion topics included:
  • Things outside the clubs" to help socialize more
  • A lack of protocol has been seen in some clubs, such as the Word of the Day or the transfer at the lectern. One suggestion was to have members visit other clubs to see protocols in action, e.g. WestConn or Barnum Square
  • Need to get members to conferences. This can have a strong impact on a member's Toastmasters experience because they learn more about what Toastmasters has to offer. Another suggestion was to bring success stories [from the conferences] back to the clubs and share them with members.
  • An Advanced Toastmasters Club was suggested. It could be set up for ATM-S or ATM-G or higher members. It would be expected that these members would stay in their original clubs as well. It could also be a "dinner club" like Henry Hudson club. Possible meeting places - Danbury Holiday Inn? Unclear how many potential members there would be for such a club. DW to follow up to gauge interest.
  • Trade TableTopics masters between clubs. This would make the TableTopics more interesting while giving members a different challenge (and an improved Toastmasters Experience).

Please let me know what you think of the ideas or if you have any of your own. We look forward to working with you to improve the Toastmasters Experience for all members.

Best regards,

Dave Wheeler
Area A4 Governor, 2005-6

Spring Conference Date set... May 13, 2006

The District 53 Spring Conference will be held on Saturday, May 13th, 2006 in Wallingford, CT.

This is a fairly short drive from Area A4 and this conference will include the Tall Tales and International Speech Contests.

Hope to see you all there !

Dave Wheeler
Area A4 Governor, 2005-6

Monday, November 07, 2005

Bruce Cornwell of WestConn Club wins TableTopics at District !

Bruce Cornwell of WestConn Toastmasters, WON the TableTopics contest at the District 53 Fall Conference on Saturday, Nov.5, 2005.

I wish I could have seen it, but I spoke to alot of people at the Toastmasters dinner at the Fall Conference on Saturday night and they all said that he did a GREAT JOB in the TableTopics contest ! (Actually, the most common comment I heard was, "He nailed it!")

Congratulations to Bruce on winning ! We are all very proud of your accomplishment and we look forward to hearing more about the contest experience !

Way to Go !

Dave Wheeler
Area A4 Governor, 2005-6