Thursday, January 31, 2008

Toastmasters Contests Conference Call - Mon., 2/11, 8-9pm

Fellow Toastmasters,
Contest season is coming up - Hurray!
To ensure we'll have lots of fun and no problems, our District Chief Judge, David Freedman, is offering to host a phone conference on Monday, 2/11, 8pm-9pm.
Conference Dial-in Number: (712) 432-1100
Host Access Code: 365780*
Participant Access Code: 365780#
We invite all of you to attend.
Also, please ensure that all of your clubs are aware of this opportunity to learn more about organizing a contest so they can run successful club level contests before March 21.
This spring, we'll have the following contests:
- Tall Tales speech contest: any member in good standing from a club in good standing can participate and give a 3-5 minute speech.

- International Speech contest: any member in good standing from a club in good standing can participate as long as the member has completed 6 speeches in the basic CC manual; the length of the speech is 5-7 minutes.
The winners of the Club contests will compete at the Area level, the winners of the Area level will compete at the Division level, and the winners of the Division level will compete at the District level.
The Tall Tales contest ends at the District level but the International Speech contest will go to the Regional level and then to the International stage in August in Calgary, Canada.
If any one of your clubs' members is unsure as to whether they should compete, please refer them to the articles in the Summer Yankee Activator describing the advantages of competing:
I hope to talk with all of you on Monday, February 11, at 8pm!
Have a great week!
Best regards,
Karin von Kaenel, Lt.Gov. Education & Training, 2007-8

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Div.A Mid-Winter Training results (Session 1)

Below are some observations about the first Leadership Exchange we had for Div. A ....

We had the Div.A Mid-Winter Leadership Exchange Tuesday night and we also had one person from District 46 who joined us !

This session was set up as a "case study" exercise (with some time for networking thrown in). Socially Speaking Toastmasters were the featured club and, after I explained the format to everyone, we started out with a panel discussion to learn more about Socially Speaking TM's situation.

After the panel discussion (no questions from the audience), the attendees broke into two groups to discuss recommendations for Socially Speaking. The groups were good mixes of different clubs so there were a wide range of ideas and perspectives.

After the discussion, we came back together for follow-up questions from the two groups. After the questions, we took a break and went directly into a "presentation preparation" session so each group could finalize their recommendations to Socially Speaking.

The presentations were under 10 minutes each (actually they could probably have been under 7 minutes) and after that, I interviewed Socially Speaking officers to get their reaction to the presentations and to see if the recommendations matched what they expected (they didn't).

The whole evening was very positive and when I asked how many people would like to do this format again next year, nearly all hands went up !

It seems like it was a success ! (And Pat Wilson-Perkins did a great job getting the facility and providing refreshments.)

Of course the proof will be whether things change for Socially Speaking based on the recommendations. They have their regular meeting tonight so it will be interesting to see what they will do !

Next session is on Feb.4th at John Capen's church and we are still looking for a "featured club" !
Details & directions can be found on our blog,

Hope you can come !

Dave Wheeler
Div.A Governor, 2006-8
Candidate for Lt.Gov.Marketing, 2008-9

On Jan 24, 2008 Will Ryan wrote:

Thanks, Dave. I'm sorry the weather got in the way of my being with you. It sounds like the evening was a big success and I acknowledge you for taking risks in trying something new. Do you have a list of recommendations for Socially Speaking? If so, this might be very helpful for Club Rescue.


On Jan.24th, Dave Wheeler wrote...


Socially Speaking took copious notes from the presentations as well as the brainstorming sheets from each group's flipchart... but I do not have a list of recommendations. Part of the beauty of the exercise was that it was custom tailored to Socially Speaking and the recommendations might not necessarily apply to other club's situation.

In fact, some of the common answers that I expected, e.g. SpeechCraft or other events, did not even make it to the final presentations. Both presentations focused on the club having a clear mission and character / culture so that they could better identify where new (long term) members would come from !

It was very interesting and I hope you can make it to the next session on Feb.4th in Newburgh, NY to see it in person!

Talk with you soon,

Dave Wheeler

Advanced TM meeting is ON for Thurs.1/24 at Ridgefield Library

Greetings Advanced Toastmasters & guests!

We WILL be meeting tonight (Jan.24th) in the "History Room" at the Ridgefield Public Library starting at 7:15pm. Ridgefield library is located at 472 Main Street, Ridgefield, CT 06877 click here for a map showing the location.

In the case of inclement weather, you can call the library at (203) 438-2282 to see if they will be open. My cell phone is also provided at the bottom of this email.

Dave Wheeler
Division A Governor, 2006-8
860-309-0070 (cell)

UPcoming meeting dates: (4th Thurs. of each month)
Thursday Jan. 24th, 2008 (History Room, upstairs) - Guest night
Thursday Feb. 28th, 2008 (History Room, upstairs)
Thursday Mar. 27th, 2008 (History Room, upstairs) - Contests(?)
Thursday Apr. 24th, 2008 (BIG Dayton Room, main floor) - Battle of the Border II - "The Return of District 46" Thursday May 22th, 2008 (History Room, upstairs)
Thursday Jun 26th, 2008 (History Room, upstairs)

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The other side of speaking.... Listening!

Scott Ginsberg (the nametag guy & approachability expert) had an interesting post about "Listening" that could be valuable for Toastmasters.

Have you ever considered how the other person in the conversation feels when you are talking? What are you thinking when they are talking?

Scott's article provides 8 practices to help you avoid "Conversational Narcissm" or being more into yourself instead of really listening to, and relating to, the other person. Below are an abridged version of his 8 practices ...

1. Watch your intent. First, beware of listening for selfish reasons.

2. Switch the spotlight. Give THEM the glory. REMEMBER: Listening isn’t about you. And your words need to reinforce that principle.

3. Silently check yourself. In the back of your mind (while still
listening, of course), find a way to keep yourself accountable.

4. Don’t add too much value. Trust in your ability to add value AFTER (not during) the listening process. Resist the temptation to hijack the conversation by matching or one-upping people’s points, or by trying to solve the problem too quickly.

5. Open the space. Part of your role as the listener is to make room (both physically and emotionally) in the conversation. Your best practice for this principle is the strategic use of silence. This lets the other person fill in the empty spaces AND enables him to set the pace of the conversation. ... And
“silence is golden” because it helps the other person articulate their most precious emotions. So, your goal is to become more comfortable with silence.

6. Be mindful of ownership. Don’t take over people’s problems. That’s not your job.

7. Listening is NOT a performance. Listening is about temporarily suspending your need for self-expression. So, don’t use what people say as triggers for your own jokes. Listening takes, among many things, self-control. One of my favorite rules is: Acknowledge, then shut up! SO REMEMBER: Take in;
don’t take over.

8. Recognize and return. Notwithstanding the first seven suggestions on this list, it’s still nearly impossible to avoid ALL traces of conversational narcissism. So, the secret is to recognize when you feel yourself being pulled
into narcissistic territory. That way you can correct it, then pass the conversation back to the other person.

.... Start growing bigger ears today!
Scott's full article has a number of great examples for each of the 8 steps and it can give Toastmasters another perspective... the perspective of the "audience" when you are having a conversation !

Monday, January 21, 2008

Re: Officer Training date for NY !

Special thanks to Area A3 Governor Ozgur Turkmen and (former Area A3 Governor), current Club President of Orange County Toastmasters, John Capen for scheduling and hosting, respectively, the 2nd training session.

Add it to your schedule!
Officers from other areas are welcome too !

The NY edition of the Div. A Mid-winter Leadership Exchange (officer training) will be held ...

Monday, Feb.4th
6:30-8:30pm at
Gardnertown United Methodist Church
1191 Union Ave.
Newburgh, NY 12550

Here's the
link to the map of Methodist Church's location.

Now we just need to find a club whose officers are willing to be the "center of attention" for the case study approach. It should be a great experience for them and they will come back from this leadership exchange session with an incredible number of ideas to boost their club.

Let me know which club you think might be interested. If you want, feel free to have them contact me for more information about the process. I will be traveling all next week, so hopefully we can get it figured out this week.

Dave Wheeler
Div.A Governor, 2006-8
Candidate for Lt.Gov.Marketing, 2008-9

Google Search - death by public speaking

Roger Brown reminds us that public speaking is still dangerous....

From: Roger H Brown
Date: Jan 21, 2008 12:30 PM
Subject: Google Search - death by public speaking

Death By Public Speaking

This article contains information on public speaking, advice on how to achieve success with it, and why not to be scared of it. - 18k - Cached - Similar pages

And THEN Try "died giving a speech"

9 Hits or 61 hits

Web Results 1 - 9 of 9 for " died giving a speech". (0.26 seconds)

Velvetpark - Dyke Culture in Bloom » Blog Archive » Benazir Bhutto ...

She died giving a speech at the site where Pakistan's first prime minister, Liaquat Ali Khan, was assassinated in 1951. [ed note. we recieved this message ... - 44k - Cached - Similar pages

Delirium's Library: Reading London in its wounds

Tavistock Square, where my grandfather died, giving a speech to the Board of Deputies of British Jews. Russell Square, core of Modernist London, ... 2005/07/reading-london-in-its-wounds.html - 23k - Cached - Similar pages

Daytona Beach News-Journal Online: Outdoors

The Tants expressed a firm belief in a connection between Will coming home when Tommydied, giving a speech to the local Fellowship of Christian Athletes ... 2006/10/2005_tommy_tant_feature_tommy.html - 50k - Cached - Similar pages

Con Ideas « PFDebate Forums

mlk died giving a speech and riots aren't civil disobedience. Posted 6 days ago #. tpeters Member. Db8n4n6, I'm not sure what comment is directed at me. ... - 28k - Cached - Similar pages

Edequity On Line: [Fwd: Montreal/Killeen/Jonesboro vigils needed]

how Malcom X died giving a speech with warnings he was to be killed, but I was lucky because all of my adult life I have been nurtured by a veteran ... - 9k - Cached - Similar pages

© 2005 by Leo Poppoff

File Format: Microsoft Word - View as HTML
It was not surprising that he died giving a speech in Montana on the impact of global warming on the Sierra. "In my last meeting with Dennis, he was beaming ... - Similar pages

sweatin it out on get over my fear of public speaking on 43 Things

... you hype yourself up to this huge misconception of how horrible you think it may be…when really i doubt anyone has died giving a speech. ... - 16k - Cached - Similar pages

The Lakewood Observer :: Read :: News :: Library :: Paul Stringer ...

It's about man who died giving a speech. He leaves four diamonds to his grandson that will make him a millionaire. It is a mystery. ... library/paul-stringer-the-wildcats-epiphany - 23k - Cached - Similar pages
In order to show you the most relevant results, we have omitted some entries very similar to the 9 already displayed.
If you like, you can
repeat the search with the omitted results included.

"Give me speech... or give me death!"

We have all heard that people fear public speaking more than death... but a recent study reported at SixMinutes blog proves that the fear of public speaking is overrated !

The web comic xkcd has charted the number of deaths from numerous activities, but no public speaking deaths have been reported.

As I write this, Google searches demonstrate that public speaking is a non-life threatening activity. All of these return zero results:
“died in a public speaking accident”
“died in a speaking accident”
“died in a presentation accident”
“died in a PowerPoint accident”
Based on this "internet study" you can now breath easier at your next Toastmasters meeting !

Now, all you have to fear is fear itself !

Sunday, January 20, 2008

World Champion 2007 helps District 53 kick off 2008!

Did you miss the 2008 Kickoff event featuring Vikas Jhingran, the 2007 World Champion of Public Speaking?

Vikas had some excellent advice for all Toastmasters and especially anyone who has the opportunity to enter a contest!
- Be Yourself
- Make Your Weaknesses into your Strengths
- and much more.

Did you know that his district-winning speech did not win at the club level the first time? He competed at a second club (obviously improved his speech) and ended up winning the World Championship ! What could you accomplish if you focused on improving your speech and did not give up?

Overall, the kickoff event was a great afternoon / evening and everyone in attendence had a great time !

To Thank Vikas for sharing an afternoon / evening with District 53 Toastmasters, we have created the following "video" (including Nana Danso, D53 Intl. Speech Winner and 2nd Runner-up to Vikas at the 2007 Regional contest, Deb Grehn, former District Governor and the D53 Leadership team).

To see it, click here or copy and paste this url into your browser:

Don't send a lame Holiday eCard. Try JibJab Sendables!

Friday, January 18, 2008

Div.A Toastmasters in-the-News !

Dave Wheeler accepts DTM award from WestConn President Croix SatherHats off to Carmine Coco De Young!

Carmine, the VP-PR for WestConn Toastmasters, recently got the article pictured to the right placed in a local paper.

The article was primarily about Dave Wheeler's recent DTM award but it also included a number of quotes as well as a view into many aspects of Toastmasters that should be of interest to prospective new members.

Carmine included a photograph (which improved the chances that the story would be run) and made personal contact with the people at the paper so that she had a good idea what they were looking for in an article!

For a copy of the article from the Wed. Jan16th, New Fairfield Citizen newspaper (in PDF format), click here.

For more information about WestConn Toastmasters, check out their website at

The Dare Guy... and Dare Kids too !

Many of you will recognize the person in silouette on the District 53 "Dare To Believe" logo ... affectionately known as "The Dare Guy".

He appeared on the backdrop for the stage at the Fall Conference back in November and is has been around all year ... helping inspire us to reach new levels in Toastmasters!

Now there is a new addition
to the "Dare" family...

"Dare to Believe" Youth !

(photo courtesy of another blog,

Why do we say that????

District 53 has a new Youth Leadership Coordinator ...

Doug Cloutier.

Doug was the education chair for the 2007 Spring conference and he is now tasked with reaching out to youths throughout our communities and spreading the lessons of Toastmasters!

You can contact Doug via email at

Please welcome Doug to his new role and let him know if you see any opportunities where Toastmasters could help young people "Dare To Believe"!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Steve Jobs... Toastmaster demonstrator!

Steve Jobs is famous for his incredible presentations at the MacWorld tradeshows. In past years he has used the stage to introduce such legendary products as the iPod and the iPhone and this year he introduced the "macbook air" notebook computer.

That is all very nice to know... but from a Toastmasters perspective, what can we learn from his recent presentation?

First off...
He was very well organized. He even numbered the key points he was going to make and told everyone up front that there were only four of them. (I know... 3 is the magic number for speeches, but we will try to cut Steve some slack.)

Next, he had good gestures. On a big stage it is important that your gestures are big enough for the audience to see. Steve did OK here... not exactly a Tall Tales contest speech, but, again, we will cut him some slack.

How about Props? This is where Steve really shined! What could be better than a standard inter-office mailing envelope to give everyone an idea of the size of the new macbook air? Everyone, even people in the back row could recognize this type of envelope... and I'm sure they were all hoping that there would be such an envelope (with a macbook air notebook enclosed) with their name on it!

Area of Improvement?
Every speech has something that can be improved and I'm sure many of you noticed that Steve Jobs thanked the audience in one of the pictures (shown in the following post).

The general Toastmasters wisdom is that you do not end your speech with a Thank You since your speech should have value to the audience and, in essence, they should be thankful that you gave it. On the other hand, Steve Jobs used the Thanks. section to build rapport with the audience... which means that maybe it was OK. We can cut him some slack.

Media Reaction....
Of course there were others who did NOT cut Steve any slack. Here is a excerpt from Presentation Zen blog....

Macobserver reported that Jobs's keynote Tuesday in San Francisco was not one of his "expectation-shattering presentations." They quoted Your Mac Life host Shawn King saying that "Jobs's performance seemed a little off." But as a commenter on the website said "...if Jobs had announced contact with an alien civilization, it wouldn't have 'shattered expectations.'"

In conclusion, it is clear that Steve Jobs intended to demonstrate his Toastmasters skills through his presentation... and, by the way, he introduced a couple new Apple products.

I'm sure we all look forward to his next speech in the Toastmasters manual!

If you would like to see his 90 minute keynote speech condensed into 60 seconds... check it out below.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

D53 Second-Half Kickoff and Celebration!

Sunday, January 20, 2008
3 - 6 p.m.
The Hartford, Tower Suite, 22nd Floor
55 Farmington Avenue, Hartford, CT

This FREE event is sponsored by District 53 Toastmasters as a celebration of our achievements to date and a starting point for future success.

* Wonderful food and drink!
* Networking opportunities galore!
* Updates from our Senior Team!


* Special guest Vikas Jhingram, 2007 Toastmasters International World Champion of Public Speaking and member of neighboring District 31!Hear him tell of the path from Ice Breaker to World Championship.

Vikas is shown in the picture on the right with D53 Intl. Speech winner, Nana Danso at the regional contest.

Spread the word! Tell all your Club members:

Everyone is invited to this very special event.
RSVP by Thursday, January 17 to Deb Grehn (see note below)

From: Deb Grehn
Date: Jan 15, 2008 11:04 PM
Subject: D53 Second-Half Kickoff Meeting & Celebration - Spread the Word!

The time is fast approaching for our upcoming Kickoff Meeting & Celebration.

The event is this Sunday, January 20 but the RSVP date is in two days, on Thursday, January 17.

If you have already replied that you are coming or unfortunately will not make it, thank you. If you haven't made up your mind, I hope you do decide to join us. In any case, please tell every Toastmaster you know about this marvelous event. Here's what we're planning:

* Fantastic food and drink! How does this sound?









* Networking opportunites - meet and greet your fellow District 53 Toastmasters!

* Hear brief updates from our Senior Team! And best of all . . .

* Meet the 2007 World Champion of Public Speaking! (Who knows, you could be next!)

RSVP by emailing me, Deb Grehn, at dgrehn [at] . I look forward to hearing from you soon!


Thursday, January 10, 2008

Public Speaking techniques... in politics

Putting aside your political preferences, it is clear that the 2008 candidates for president are flexing their public speaking muscles....

Here Barack Obama uses repetition to inspire...

Here Hillary Clinton uses emotion to relate to her audience...

Any comments or other good public speaking examples of politicians that Toastmasters can learn from?

Click on the comments link below to tell us what you think or what you have learned from watching political speeches!

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Sample of Dave's Stand Up Comedy...

(not really... or at least he hopes not)

StandUp Comedy Workshop in NYC

Have you ever considered taking a course in standup comedy?

Even if you don't want to be the next Jerry Seinfeld, it could certainly bring an added dimension to your speaking career.

What if someone you knew was already signed up ... would you sign up then?
Well, Dave Wheeler, Div.A Governor, has signed up for the Feb. course in Stand Up Comedy at the American Comedy Institute in New York City...
Want to join him? See details below.

Even if you don't want to take the course... tune in to this blog to hear when Dave's standup set is scheduled at the Gotham Comedy Club in Manhattan. (He has to do it as part of the course.)

The ACI website also includes some good articles about editing / trimming your speech ("set" in comedy terms) and the full details for the course are ....

Stand-Up Workshop Schedule
at American Comedy Institute

The schedule is:

Note: Bring a voice recorder to classes (or, at least, a cassette tape) ....
Monday February 11th 6-8:30pm *HELD AT OFFICE LOCATION*

*Class One (you choose the night that works best for you)
Tuesday February 12th OR Thursday February 14th @ 6-8:30pm

*Class Two (you choose the night that works best for you)
Tuesday February 19th OR Thursday February 21st 6-8:30pm

*Class Three (you choose the night that works best for you)
Tuesday February 26th OR Thursday February 28th 6-9pm

These classes are held at 481 8th Avenue between 34th & 35th Street.
Note: Our office is located in the New Yorker Hotel (unless otherwise noted)

In the upcoming workshops some of classes will be taught by Brad Trackman. Brad is a regular at several NYC comedy clubs including Caroline's, Comedy Cellar, and Gotham. His TV credits include CBS's "Star Search," and NBC's "Later" and "Friday Night." He has taught stand-up comedy at Princeton University. For more info on Brad, please visit our ACI Faculty page.

*Your two 40 minute one on one writing sessions with Stephen Rosenfield are scheduled through the office on an individual basis between the hours of 11:15-5:10 Monday through Thursday.

Writing sessions are held at our office location 481 8th Avenue Suite 736 (or over the telephone?)

Saturday March 1st 5:30pm Gotham
Sunday March 2nd 6pm Gotham
(Performance is scheduled on an individual basis with the office)

*Screening Tuesday March 4th 6-8:30pm (held at office location)

Call Office To Register, 212-279-6980
Call to reserve your space, class size is limited.

Regret Joining Toastmasters...????

A recent article at titled, "My biggest regret of 2007: I wish I spent more time on Facebook", got me thinking....

Why do I spend my free time doing Toastmasters? Wouldn't I be happier if I just went home and watched TV every night instead of torturing myself with TableTopic questions or prepared speeches? Don't I regret missing a little sleep when I attend an evening Toastmasters meeting and get home after 11pm?

The article answers his regret questions [about Facebook] this way...
I'm willing to bet that as you look back on 2007, there are some things you didn't achieve that you wanted to. I'm willing to bet that you aren't sitting around wishing you spent more time on Facebook. But I bet there are days that you sat down intending to spend 20 minutes and ended up wasting 2 hours on it, or on some other Web 2.0 site.

Human beings are suffering from a values gap between the short-term and long-term. We have long-term goals, but short-term attention spans. Sometimes we forget that getting a PhD, making a million dollars, competing in the Olympics,
running a marathon, mastering a hobby, or whatever it is that we want to achieve in life is basically accomplished by sacrificing lots of the short-term to reach our goals in the long-term.
If you want to increase your self confidence, improve your public speaking skills or challenge yourself in a position of leadership... it requires a long term commitment. It requires that you give up some "TV time" and perhaps some other short term sacrifices for the payoff over the rest of your life.

But, in the end, will you remember the reruns of "This Old House" you watched or will you remember the speech you gave in front of 150 people at the Spring Conference... or when you stepped into leadership and were elected Area or Division Governor.

My bet is that you already know the answer.
Make 2008 a GREAT year for personal growth ... Join Toastmasters!

And, if you are already a Toastmaster, ... Re-join Toastmasters!
Find a new level in your speaking or leadership skills and commit to a big goal. Challenge yourself this year and grow !

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Public Speaking Blog-o-mania !!!!!

Don't you just love it when someone does ALL the work for you and gives you something incredibly valuable on a silver platter?!?

Well, that's what Six Minutes blog has done with their review of the public speaking blog-o-sphere!

On his blog, Andrew Dlugan has ...
... compiled this snapshot of the public speaking blogosphere with three primary aims:
* To aid readers in the discovery of excellent public speaking blogs
* To build ties within the community of bloggers;
* To provide encouragement to current and future public speaking bloggers.

Of course he listed our blog (thanks Andrew!) and his article has a list of 70 public speaking blogs in the following groups...
  • General Public Speaking Blogs: 2-5 posts/week
  • General Public Speaking Blogs: 1-2 posts/week
  • General Public Speaking Blogs: under 1 post/week
  • Speech Humor blogs
  • Speech writing blogs
  • Visual Presentation blogs
  • Professional Speaker blogs
  • Toastmasters blogs (this is where we are listed)
  • Part-time speaking blogs (where speaking is one of many topics covered)
Click here to check out the whole article!

Thanks Andrew for compiling this list! It gives us a bunch of great resources !

Hopefully we can return the favor sometime!

Dave Wheeler
Div.A Governor, 2006-8

Friday, January 04, 2008

Area A4 / A2 contest scheduled!

The Spring contest for Area A2 and Area A4 has been scheduled!

Tuesday, April 1st, 2008

Contestants & role players (judges, etc.) arrive by 6pm
Contest starts at 7pm

Stony Hill Fire House
59 Stony Hill Road,
Bethel, CT 06801

click here for a map of the location.

We look forward to a fun evening of International and Tall Tale speeches! Be sure to invite your friends and family and come out to support the contestants from your club!

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Division A Mid-Winter Officer Training & Networking event

The first (of two) Division A
Mid-Winter Officer Training & Networking event has been scheduled!

Tuesday January 22, 2008

Setup at 6:30pm (Area & Div. Governors)
Meeting at 7pm (and done before 9pm)

Stony Hill Fire Department
59 Stony Hill Road,
Bethel, CT 06801

See map below...

View Larger Map

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Mark Your Calendar....Spring D53 Conference!

Don't miss the District 53 Spring 2008 Conference!
Featuring the International and Tall Tales Speech Contests
and District Officer elections!

When: Saturday, May 17, 2008
3 Country Club Rd.
Holyoke, MA 01040

Phone: (413) 532-1800

Adjacent hotel accommodations at the Country Inn & Suites in Holyoke, MA for out-of-town or over-night guests.

Economical hotel accommodations are available at the Clarion Hotel in West Springfield, MA.

Reservations must be made before April 16, 2008.



Host: Toastmasters of Division E

Michelle DeDominicis, DTM
Spring Conference Co-Chair

Frank Fassano, CC
Spring Conference Co-Chair

Mike Finn, ACG, CL
Division E Governor